Celebration & Obituary FAQ's

Please be aware, all death notices or obituaries must be submitted by a funeral home/cremation firm or family member. Obituaries submitted by family members are subject to a verification process and will not be published until the obituary staff has obtained the information needed. For verification, the obituary staff will need contact information for a funeral home, mortuary or cremation firm that is caring for the deceased. The obituary staff will contact the business to obtain verification. To avoid a delay, please enter the name of the funeral home/mortuary/cremation firm on Step 3. When creating your account, please make sure to include current and correct contact info incase you need to be contacted.

Celebrations and Obituaries are published as submitted, so be sure to check spelling, dates, and tense of text in the notice.
  • What are your hours?
    Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 am -­ 5:00 pm. Assistance for obituaries is available on the weekends by emailing obits@ljworld.com. For assistance with celebrations, email celebrations@ljworld.com.
  • What is the deadline for placing a celebration or obituary?
    Please see "Deadlines" tab in the menu bar.


  • How do I go about placing a celebration or obituary?
    We have a self­service website that will guide you through the process. This includes entering the text and uploading the photo, scheduling the date you’d like to see the notice in the paper and making payment. If you are not comfortable placing the notice online, you can email the information to us or bring your information to our office at 1035 N 3rd St, Ste 101-B, Lawrence, KS 66044. Email addresses are celebrations@ljworld.com or obits@ljworld.com
  • How much will a celebration or obituary cost?
    For detailed pricing, see the "Pricing" tab in the menu bar.
    Celebrations and Obituaries are priced by column inch, meaning the length of space within our standard news columns. In the Journal­-World, celebrations start at $24 (for up to 5 col inches) and obituaries start at $150 (for up to 5 column inches). The best way to know what your notice will cost is to enter the text into our self­service website. This will give you the exact cost and give you a preview of what the notice will look like in the paper. Free notices are also available and do not include a photo.
  • What if I need to cancel my order?
    Click "Review Orders" in the menu bar to see a list of completed orders. They are listed oldest to newest, so you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to see your most recent order. Click “Cancel” next to the order. If it is past deadline or the staff has already approved the order to run, please call 785-­832-­7151 for assistance.
  • Why are there gaps in the spacing for the obituary / celebration?
    The text is aligned to be justified. This is standard for all notices and the rest of the formatting in the paper.
  • Will my notice go online?
    All obituaries & death notices appear online on these two pages:
    Obituaries.LJWorld.com & LJWorld.com/Obituaries
    Anniversaries, engagements, and wedding announcements appear on line here: LJWorld.com/life-events/couples/
  • What payment types do you accept?
    Through the online system, we accept all major credit or debit cards. You may pay by cash or check at our office at 1035 N 3rd St, Ste 101-B, Lawrence, KS 66044. Payment must be made before the deadline for the notice to print unless other arrangements are made.
  • If I've started an order, but need to finish later, how can I do so?
    You order is automatically saved if you have entered text for the notice and clicked "Update Preview" or "Save and Proceed", or if you have moved past step three. At this point your order is saved and you can close your browser, or walk away from your computer and the order will be saved in your account under "Unfinished Orders." You may need to login again if you’ve been away from your computer for too long.


  • I only have a printed copy of a photo. How do I get it to you?
    Bring the photo to our office (1035 N 3rd St, Ste 101-B, Lawrence, KS 66044) and we can scan it for you.
  • Are photos printed in color or black and white?
    Photos for obituaries are printed in black and white and photos for celebrations are printed in color. The photo will appear online as it was submitted.
  • I can't get a photo to upload / crop correctly? (issues with photos)
    Check to see that the photo is a JPEG file and the size is smaller than 2 MB. If the file still won't upload, click "Save Ad for Later" at the bottom of the page, so that your order is saved and then you can log out. Email the photo to obits@ljworld.com or celebrations@ljworld.com. A staff member will be able to assist in getting the photo uploaded.